Dec 2009
version: 1.2.5.
23/12/09 Improved version
Pointers to others TSLs is mandatory (CD 2009/767/EC page L299/36).
version: 1.2.4.
22/12/09 Improved version
Bugfix: Text of
element was not aligned with Corrigenda CD 2009-7806, L. 299/31new text:
Supervision/Accreditation Status List of certification services from Certification Service Providers, which are supervised/accredited by the referenced Scheme Operator Member State for compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC.
old text:
Supervision/Accreditation Status List of certification services from Certification Service Providers, which are supervised/accredited by the referenced Scheme Operator Member State for compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community framework for electronic signatures
version: 1.2.3.
21/12/09 Improved version | New function
TLEdit now provides XML validation of trusted list against the relevant XML schemas.
New: human readable form (PDF document) creation.
version: 1.2.2.
14/12/09 Improved version
Improvement: Enhanced editing capability and checking rules for the LOTL (list of list).
Bugfix: Bulgarian language codes: change from [
] to [bg,bg-latn
].version: 1.2.1.
10/12/09 Bugfix version
(OID: was encoded with OID and # in tsl:X509SubjectName
element.Bugfix: ServiceDigitalIdentity plugin "remembers" the old certificates added.
version: 1.2.0.
03/12/09 Improved version | Bugfix version
Improvement: Compliance version based on TLS Plug-Tests 23-26/11/2009 F2F meeting report.
typo on page L999/40 of the Corrigenda of CD 2009/767/EC has been replaced by
typo on page L999/30 of the Corrigenda of CD 2009/767/EC has been replaced by
- Transliteration in Latin script has been added for BG (Bulgaria), EL (Greece) and CY (Cyprus).
- Capability of handling more than one local language for countries with several related languages (e.g. Spain, ES, es,ca,eu,gl)
- Language codes in accordance with Annex 1, TLS Plug-Tests 23-26/11/2009 F2F meeting report.
Bugfix: TLEdit displays NullPointerException error message in several cases due to language code change.
Bugfix: Deceptive message in content audit report when HistoricalInformationPeriod > 3653.