New function
version: 1.4.4.
New Check against TSL function: Verification of full scale of XAdES type cross-border electronic signatures and validation on the basis of the trusted lists.

version: 1.4.0.
New Analyze trusted lists function that automatically downloads the trusted lists of all Member States using the URIs from the LOTL (list of lists) and displays these in the same way as your edited, own trusted list.
Compliance with COMMISSION DECISION of 28.07.2010, amending Decision 2009/767/EC as regards the establishment, maintenance and publication of trusted lists of certification service providers supervised/accredited by Member States (C(2010) 5063).
version: 1.3.7.
Signing human readable form of trusted list with PAdES Basic (PKCS#7) signature.
version: 1.3.6.
Added machine processable form signing certificate and human readable form SSL certificate of LOTL ("list of lists") into
, PointersToOtherTSL
element.New LOTL preferences settings in File menu, Preferences menu item to configure the actual certificates published by EC.
TLEdit now periodically downloads the machine processable and human readable form of the LOTL, finds out the actual signing and SSL certificates, checks the equality with certificates configured in the LOTL preferences. In case of mismatch, displays a warning message for the user.
version: 1.3.5.
Added new (non-EU member state) countries: - NO (Norway), IS (Iceland).
Bugfix: Improper handling the last opened file in case of file name contains SPACE character.
version: 1.3.3.
TLEdit now offers XML validation service for the SIE/Qualifications element at editing.
Enhanced checking rules for critical SIEs.
version: 1.3.2.
Now you can include Table of Contents in the human readable form by checking on the proper checkbox.
version: 1.3.1.
Move a service node to an other location under the same provider node.
Enhanced checking rules for history instances.
Special icon indicates service with not 'undersupervision' or 'accredited' status in the navigation tree.
version: 1.2.3.
TLEdit now provides XML validation of trusted list against the relevant XML schemas.
New: human readable form (PDF document) creation.
version: 1.0.0.
First version based on ETSI TS 102 231 V2.1.1 and Trusted List - TSL Common Template Specifications v.0.83, 05.03.2009.