Machine processable form-XML
version: 3.0.0
01/03/16 Brand new version
Conformant to the latest ETSI TS 119 612 V2.1.1 (2015-07) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Trusted Lists;
and 2015/1505/EU COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 8 September 2015, laying down technical specifications and formats relating to trusted lists pursuant to Article 22(5) of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market
This version can handle simultaneously all the ten types of the Trusted List:
1) EU Member State Trusted List, version 5
2) List of Lists of the EU, version 5
3) non EU countries, international organization Trusted List, version 5
4) List of Lists of non EU countries and international organization, version 5
5) EU Member State Trusted List, version 4
6) List of Lists of the EU, version 4
7) non EU countries, international organization Trusted List, version 4
8) List of Lists of non EU countries and international organization, version 4
9) EU Member State Trusted List, version 3
10) List of Lists of the EU, version 3
New functions:
- migrateTrusted List version 4 to version 5 (as described in Annex J of TS 119 612) with a single click, make detailed log on the changes
- better and faster rendering of the navigation tree
version: 2.0.5
23/03/15 Improved version
1) Generate self-signed Certificate for Signing the Trusted List: the information included in the certificate are filled automatically based on the selected Member State and with information from the last issued Trusted List of that Member State.
2) Improved handling of changes in the LOTL machine processable form signing certificates and LOTL human readable form SSL certificates:
- TLEdit detects that EU has published new certificates and provides a warning to the user.
- On user confirmation, TLEdit automatically adjust the proper content of the
element.version: 2.0.0
10/03/14 Brand new version
Conformant to the latest ETSI TS 119 612 V1.1.1 (2013-06) Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Trusted Lists;
and 2013/662/EU COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 14 October 2013 amending Decision 2009/767/EC as regards the establishment, maintenance and publication of trusted lists of certification service providers supervised/accredited by Member States
This version can handle simultaneously all the six types of the Trusted List:
1) EU Member State Trusted List, version 3
2) List of Lists of the EU, version 3
3) EU Member State Trusted List, version 4
4) List of Lists of the EU, version 4
5) non EU countries, international organization Trusted List, version 4
6) List of Lists of non EU countries and international organization, version 4
New functions:
- upgrade (convert) Trusted List version 3 to version 4 with a single click, make detailed log on the changes
- new Content Errors function (available in the popup menu) that reports only the errors found during the content validation check
- all the generated reports can be viewed in an external browser also
- generate a self-signed certificate for signing the Trusted List (see: TS 119 612, Section 5.7.1), available in the Tools menu
- XML validation against the proper XML schemas determined on the basis of the value of the TSLVersionIdentifier field
- added new country: HR (Croatia)
- keeping PDF/A conformance during signing of the human readable from by converting the visible signature text to graphics
- better and faster rendering of the navigation tree
version: 1.4.5.
15/02/11 Improved version | Bugfix version
A new Icon size submenu is available in the View menu to resize icons of the navigation tree on-the-fly.
TLEdit now is able to download and display machine processable and human readable form of the trusted list that was published in a ZIP file.
Shorter and more informative tooltip on Pointers to other TSLs and Policy or legal notice pane.
A new Open URI button is available on the Pointer to other TSL pane to download the referred machine processable or human readable form.
Bugfix: Only the first URI of
was filled in the newly created TSL. Now the second, member state dependent URI is also pre-filled with the proper value.Bugfix: Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste) keyboard shortcuts didn’t work properly on Windows.
Bugfix: Check against trusted lists function throwed an error after password change.
version: 1.3.6.
24/03/10 New function
Added machine processable form signing certificate and human readable form SSL certificate of LOTL ("list of lists") into
, PointersToOtherTSL
element.New LOTL preferences settings in File menu, Preferences menu item to configure the actual certificates published by EC.
TLEdit now periodically downloads the machine processable and human readable form of the LOTL, finds out the actual signing and SSL certificates, checks the equality with certificates configured in the LOTL preferences. In case of mismatch, displays a warning message for the user.
version: 1.3.8.
21/07/10 Improved version
TLEdit now accepts an end certificate with Certificate Policies extension marked as critical at certification path building step of signing process.
Added exclusive canonicalization transformation to enveloped signature of machine processable form.
version: 1.4.3.
08/12/10 Improved version
The gray information box at the beginning of service and history chapters in the human readable form contains hyperlink to the corresponding provider of service and service of history (See also Hyperlink doesn't work in Adobe Reader, why?).
TLEdit now accepts the same service digital identity more than once with different service types, in accordance with CD 2009/767/EC, page L299/40.
Performance improvement of Analyze trusted lists function.
XML signature of machine processable form will not contain
anymore. Regarding to the Trust Model introduced by CD 2010/425/EC, including the relevant upper certificate chain of TSL signing certificate is not necessary and undesirable.